Jill Ann Weber, Phd



Jill Weber is a professional archaeologist and restaurateur, wine lover, and nomad. She has a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania and has worked in Syria, Turkey, Armenia, Oman, Iraq, and Italy. Along the way, she gained an intimate knowledge of these countries, their cultures, and native cuisines, which inspired her to open a restaurant back in Philly. She is now the proud founder of Sojourn Philly, consisting of restaurants Jet Wine Bar, Rex at the Royal, Café Ynez, and Sor Ynez. She enjoys sharing her love of wine, history, and culture with others, and combines them all through wine tastings! Jill is the immediate past president of Les Dames Philly, as well as the Geographic Society of Philadelphia. Jill hosts a radio show on SiriusXM Business Channel 132, "Digging Into Dining".








Tiffani Rozier

My name is Tiffani Rozier, a freelance writer, podcast producer, and content developer living and working in Phoenix, Arizona.

I have an insatiable curiosity for people and their stories. I'm passionate about discovering and shaping narratives in transformative and impactful ways. We live in a time when we can reach larger audiences and build community through various channels and platforms. Great storytelling is an essential tool for building relationships, inspiring deep connections, and leaving an impact. I'm committed to telling stories that center narratives that amplify the voices of individuals and communities.


Kathy S. Gold


Lauren Swann, MS, RDN. LDN