Stephanie Cohen

Co-Owner, Mompops


Instagram (Mompops)

Instagram (Personal)


Co-Owner, Mompops

Stephanie spent the first 2 decades of her career in healthcare operations with a focus on team building. Her goal was to ensure the organization delivered exceptional outcomes and set the gold standard for delivering top-notch customer service. After 20 years in healthcare, she decided to take a break to spend time with my family and friends. Her career took an unexpected turn and she ended up a co-owner of a fruit ice-pop company located in PA. A bit of a health and workout nut herself she found the perfect fit with Mompops. The pops are a healthy natural ice-pop created to provide a frozen treat for consumers with food allergies and dietary restrictions. Stephanie was born in Delaware County, PA, and didn't move far as she lives in Chester County, PA with her husband and 16-year-old son.

Tiffani Rozier

My name is Tiffani Rozier, a freelance writer, podcast producer, and content developer living and working in Phoenix, Arizona.

I have an insatiable curiosity for people and their stories. I'm passionate about discovering and shaping narratives in transformative and impactful ways. We live in a time when we can reach larger audiences and build community through various channels and platforms. Great storytelling is an essential tool for building relationships, inspiring deep connections, and leaving an impact. I'm committed to telling stories that center narratives that amplify the voices of individuals and communities.

Tanesha Trippet


Atsuko Boyd